This is a book that I wrote and designed in Adobe InDesign. The book is based on my family's story; about how they grew up in Italy and then immigrated to the United States. I collected many stories from my family members and compiled them into one plot or storyline that would be easy to follow for most readers. I then painted the design for the cover and the chapter heads using watercolor as a medium. I included pictures of my family, some of their travel documents, and a family tree in the center of the book which I designed using Adobe Illustrator. I also included Italian phrases and words as the chapter titles as well as throughout the book. In the table of contents, you can find the English translations for the chapter titles and any other English translations in the text can be found in the footnotes.

Quote Page

Page from Table of Contents

Section Page

Subsection of Section 3

Beginning Page of a Chapter

Chapter Page

Full Cover Image

Family Tree